Episode 135:
Legends Everywhere I Look: Chapters 10-14
(Originally released on November 16, 2023)
Here’s our VMAs episode.
Here’s the MTV segment of Britney watching people say mean things about her.
Here’s our episode on the Britney’s Pepsi commercials.
Here’s our Crossroads ep. And here’s Britney’s leaked audition tape.
In case you’ve never heard other Justin episodes, here they are:
Here’s Britney and Justin’s house in Orlando, which featured in this Hello photoshoot from 2001. And our close read of the Rolling Stone cover story that mentions them living together.
Here’s the Tiktok with the theory about who Justin might’ve been bragging about cheating with.
Here’s the post-breakup People interview and cover Britney references.
Thank you for listening and for reading along with us!